Our Clinical Director Tres Wright was recently featured in Authority Magazine!
Check out the article below to learn more about Tres’ personal career trajectory, the story behind the Xtremity socket, our partnership with the Protez Foundation to provide sockets to Ukraine soldiers and much more.
Prosthetics is not a career for those who do not have a passion for the process and for the patients. It is hard work filled with long hours and skills that can never be fully mastered. There are easier ways to make a living, but for me, it’s a privilege and the only job I’ll ever want to do.
As a part of our series about cutting-edge technological breakthroughs, I had the pleasure of interviewing Tres Wright.
Tres was the first prosthetist hired by Xtremity, a company specializing in developing advanced socket technology that revolutionizes the patient experience for people living with transtibial (below the knee) amputations. Wright’s expertise was integral in providing early insights to the company’s founders and he has played an instrumental role in every step of the development of the XtremityTTTM Socket System, including the fitting and care of the amputee product testers who were recruited to wear evolving iterations of the product. Tres serves as the company’s clinical director, providing education and training to prosthetists and technicians, and has an ongoing role in the company’s product development, testing and participation in mission-driven initiatives.